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The Creative Works of ANKOOK Tire(ppt 8页)

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The Creative Works of ANKOOK Tire(ppt 8页)内容简介
The Creative Works of ANKOOK Tire Intorduction:
As Hankook Tire has just stepped into the Chinese Market, advertising is to help rapidly build up its reputation and fame, so that affinity and trust can be found in the relationship between Chinese consumers and distributors.
As competition in the tire market is fierce, the creative idea of ours is to express the unique brand value and personality of Hankook Tire in very special creative and visual way of expression, so that distinguish itself from ads of other brands.
1. The Hankook Belief (Tai Divination - 2pcs)
    Drivers take safety as the most important thing, so is Hankook Tire’s belief in the wishes of getting safety for all mankind -- The Chinese name of Hankook “Tai” happens to be the luckiest divination meaning safety and good luck, described in the Book of Changes.
 By using the talisman which is familiar to Chinese, combining the Hankook Belief in safety, the advertisement which applies a very simple way of expression, both meets the consumers’ expectation and has a strong impact.  It produces the association in consumers as “Tai- Hankook - Safety” so that fame is obtained rapidly and a relationship of affinity and trust is established between brand and consumers.
