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国有企业面临的问题-从MKXZ来看(PDF 14页)

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国有企业面临的问题-从MKXZ来看(PDF 14页)内容简介
The reform of China’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs) is the single largest effort
to change economic institutions ever undertaken. The immense scope of the
program and the rapid pace at which it is occurring are without precedent: the
changes will affect more than 200,000 SOEs employing more than 100 million
workers and generating roughly half the nation’s industrial output. As the
Chinese government grants these enterprises more commercial freedom and
puts in place the legal and financial framework essential to a market economy,
the SOEs themselves face a tremendous challenge in developing competitive
strategies, renewing their organizations, restructuring their financing, and
reacting to a fast-changing regulatory environment. While this hard, nuts-andbolts
work of reform is under way, foreign MNCs have unique opportunities to
ally with or acquire SOEs – and to help shape China’s transformation.