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物流职业报告英文(pdf 29页)

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物流职业报告英文(pdf 29页)内容简介
Every year, the Supply Chain Management Research Group at the Ohio State University conducts a survey
to profile the career patterns of senior logistics/supply chain executives and to understand how
organizations incorporate the functions of logistics. Data from the survey is also used to better understand
current and future trends in logistics. The survey is sent to senior U.S. logistics and supply chain executives
who are current members of the Council of Logistics Management.
This year’s survey had five parts. Parts of the survey were dedicated to both corporate organizational and
operational profiles, and respondent demographics. To gauge the importance of emerging trends and
future directions, part of the survey included some selected benchmarks for key system performance
measures. The survey solicited these key performance measures for both past, current and future time
periods. A special section on inventory cost and management practices was included in the 2003 Career
Patterns Survey.