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Failure Mode & Effect Analysis(英文版)(ppt 19页)

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Failure Mode & Effect Analysis(英文版)(ppt 19页)内容简介
Failure Mode & Effect Analysis(英文版)内容提要:
Step #4 – Assign Severity Rating
1、The severity rating is an estimate of how serious the effects would be if a given failure did occur.
2、May be based on past experience, or an estimate based on the knowledge and expertise of the team members.
3、Because each failure may have several different effects, and each effect may have a different level of severity, the effect, not the failure, must be rated.  Each effect should be given its own severity rating.
4、Ratings based on 10-point scale, with 1 being the lowest rating and 10 being the highest.
5、General example on next page – may be customized by team for their specific FMEA project.
