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six sigma training materials(英文版)(ppt 101页)

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six sigma training materials(英文版)(ppt 101页)内容简介
six sigma training materials内容摘要:
Key Terms:
Six Sigma      A term coined by Motorola to express process capability in  parts per million.A six sigma process generates a defect probability of  3.4 parts per million (PPM)
Champion An upper level business leader who facilitates the   leadership,implementation,and deployment of six sigma philosophies.
Black Belt A process improvement project team leader who is  trained  and certified in six-Sigma methodology and tools and who is   responsible for project execution.
Mater Black Belt  A person who is an “expert ”  on Six Sigma   techniques and on project  implementation,master Black Belt  play a  key role in training and coaching of Back and Green  Belts.
Green Belt Six Sigma role similar in function to Black Belt but  length  of training and project scope are reduced to two weeks of  training.
Yellow Belt  Hourly personnel trained in the fundamentals  of six-sigma who assist and support in project execution ,usual  work with black and Green Belt.
Process Map A step-by-step pictorial sequence of a process showing  process inputs,process outputs,cycle time ,rework operations,and  inspection points.
Key process Inputs Variable (KPIV)   The vital few input variables,call “x”s
Key process outputs Variable (KPOV)      The output variables,call “x”s
DFMA  Design for manufacture and assemble, A methodology  to reduce product complexity and design around more capable   components / processes
Cost of poor quality Cost associated with Providing poor quality   products or services. Can be divide  into four cost categories   :Appraisal ,Scrap, Rework,and field Complaint
