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太阳能光热资料汇总(英文版)(ppt 30页)

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太阳能光热资料汇总(英文版)(ppt 30页)内容简介

Benefits of solar water heating:
Hot water throughout the year: the system works all year round, though you'll need to heat the water further with a boiler or immersion heater during the winter months.
Cut your bills: sunlight is free, so once you've paid for the initial installation your hot water costs will be reduced.
Cut your carbon footprint: solar hot water is a green, renewable heating system and can reduce your carbon dioxide emissions
Active solar water heating systems:
Active solar water heating systems are characterized as either direct (also called “open loop”) or indirect (also called closed loop) depending on whether the incoming water is heated directly in the collectors or indirectly heated via a heat exchanger.
A thermosyphon system:
A thermosyphon system, also known as a passive system, does not require a pump to circulate the water but instead relies on density differentials where the warmer water rises to the highest point. For this system to function the tank must be mounted above the collector, relative to the horizontal.
