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某年交大工程硕士英语考试真题(doc 11页)

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某年交大工程硕士英语考试真题(doc 11页)内容简介
Section A
Directions: In this section there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A. B. C. and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.
1. People all over the world have learned to _______ solar power as a source of energy.
A. expend B. utilize C. consume D. destroy
2. Please turn off the TV. The noise will _______you from your work.
A. abstract B. distract C. subtract D. extract
3. The possession of language enables man to pass on his _______ his children and grandchildren.
A. intellect B. intelligence C. wisdom D. brains
4. It can be hard work teaching a class of _______ children.
A. live B. alive C. life  D. lively
5. Today many young people’s ambition is to find a well-paid _______ at a multi-national corporation.
A. job B. work C. career D. occupation
6. There was _______ competition among youths to enter the best colleges.
A. tense B. intensive C. intense D. extensive
7. To enjoy a picnic on the beach is my father’s _______ for the weekend.
A. advice B. proposal C. suggestion D. schedule
8. He is just a man of _______ height and he has no differences from other in terms of appearance.
A. average B. common C. ordinary D. standard
9. The enterprise _______ through lack of support.
A. collapse B. falls C. fell D. collapsed
10. Education should aim to _______ children’s mind to its utmost potential.
A. harness B. cultivate C. use D. foster
