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华硕电脑SMT外观允收要求(ppt 55页)

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华硕电脑SMT外观允收要求(ppt 55页)内容简介
PCBA 半成品握持方法--------------------------------------------------------1-3
PCBA WIP Handing
SMT零件组装工艺标准--芯片状(Chip)零件之对准度 (组件X方向)------------------1-4
SMD Assembly workmanship criteria--Chip component alignment( X Axis)
SMT零件组装工艺标准--芯片状(Chip)零件之对准度 (组件Y方向)------------------1-5
SMD Assembly workmanship criteria--Chip component alignment( Y Axis)
SMD Assembly workmanship criteria--Cylinder component alignment
SMD Assembly workmanship criteria--Gull-Wing footprint alignment
SMD Assembly workmanship criteria--Gull-Wing toe alingnment
SMD Assembly workmanship criteria--Gull-Wing heel alingnment
SMT零件组装工艺标准--零件脚面(Latch of CN2302) 之对准度 -------------------1-10
SMD Assembly workmanship criteria-Component  footprint (Latch of CN2302) alignment
SMD Assembly workmanship criteria--J type lead alignment
SMD solder joint workmanship criteria--Minimum solder of Gull Wing footprint
SMD solder joint workmanship criteria--Maximum solder of Gull Wing footprint
SMD solder joint workmanship criteria--Minimum solder of Gull Wing Heel
SMD solder joint workmanship criteria--Minimum solder of J type lead
SMD solder joint workmanship criteria--Maximum solder of J type lead
SMT焊点性工艺标准-芯片状(Chip)零件之最小焊点(三面或五面焊点) --------------1-17
SMD solder joint workmanship criteria--Minimum solder fillet of chip component( 3 or 5 face terminations)
SMD solder joint workmanship criteria--Maximum solder fillet of chip component ( 3 or 5 face terminations)
SMT焊锡性工艺标准--焊锡性问题(锡珠、锡渣) ---------------------------------1-19
SMD solder joint workmanship criteria--Other solder issue ( solder ball , solder dross)
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--Direction and polarity of horizontally , mounted
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--Direction & polarity of vertically mounted
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--Length of component lead
DIP零件组装工艺标准--卧式电子零组件(R,C,L)浮件与倾斜(1) -------------------1-23
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--Tilt & floating of horizontal electronic component ( R , C , L )
DIP零件组装工艺标准--卧式电子零组件(Wire)浮件与倾斜(2) --------------------1-24
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--Tilt & floating of horizontal electronic component ( Wire )
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--Floating of vertical electronic component ( C , F , L , Buzzer )
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--Tilt of verticle electronic component ( C , F , L , Buzzer )
DIP零件组装工艺标准--机构零件(Slot,Socket,DIM,Heat sink)浮件---------------1-27
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--Floating of constructive component ( slot , socket , Dim , Heats sink )
DIP零件组装工艺标准--机构零件(Slot,Socket,DIM,Heat sink)倾斜--------------1-28
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--Tilt of constructive component ( slot , socket , Dim , Heat sink )
DIP零件组装工艺标准--机构零件(Jumper Pins,Box Header)浮件-----------------1-29
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--Floating of constructive component ( Jumper Pins , Box header )
DIP零件组装工艺标准--机构零件(Jumper Pins,Box Header)倾斜-----------------1-30
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--Tilt of constructive component ( Jumper Pins , Box header )
DIP零件组装工艺标准--机构零件(CPU Socket)浮件与倾斜-----------------------1-31
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--Tilt and floating of constructive component ( CPU Socket )
DIP零件组装工艺标准-机构零件(USB,D-SUB,PS/2,K/B & general con. Jack)浮件与倾斜--1-32
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--Tilt and floating of constructive component ( USB , D-sub , PS/2 , K/B  & general connector Jack )
DIP零件组装工艺标准--机构零件(Power Connector)浮件与倾斜------------------1-33
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--Tilt and floating of constructive component ( Power Connector )
DIP零件组装工艺标准--机构零件(Jumper Pins,Box Header)组装外观(1)----------1-34
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--Workmanship (1) of constructive component(Jumper Pin,Box header)
DIP零件组装工艺标准--机构零件(Jumper Pins,Box Header)组装外观(2)----------1-35
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--Workmanship(2) of constructive component(Jumper Pins,Box header)
DIP零件组装工艺标准--机构零件(BIOS & Socket)组装外观(3) -----------------1-36
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--Workmanship (3) of constructive component ( BIOS & Socket )
DIP零件组装工艺标准--组装零件脚折脚、未入孔(1) ---------------------------1-37
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--Lead bend and no-inside the hole (1) of assembley
DIP零件组装工艺标准--零件脚折脚、未入孔、未出孔(2) -----------------------1-38
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--Lead bend no-inside no-through (2) of the hole
DIP零件组装工艺标准--板弯、板翘、板扭(平面度) ----------------------------1-39
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--board wrapage
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--the space between lead to trace
DIP零件组装工艺标准--零件破损(1) -----------------------------------------1-41
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--component broken (1)
DIP零件组装工艺标准--零件破损(2) -----------------------------------------1-42
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--component broken (2)
DIP零件组装工艺标准--零件破损(3) -----------------------------------------1-43
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--component broken (3)
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--Shifted rate of constructive component ( USB connector)
DIP零件组装工艺标准--机构零件(DC Jack)对准度------------------------------1-45
DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria--Shifted rate of constructive component ( DC_In connector)
DIP焊锡性工艺标准--零件面孔填锡与切面焊锡性标准(1) -----------------------1-46
DIP soldering workmanship --the solder fillet in the PTH by cross-section (1)
DIP焊锡性工艺标准--零件面孔填锡与切面焊锡性标准(2) -----------------------1-47
DIP soldering workmanship --the solder fillet in the PTH by cross-section (2)
DIP焊锡性工艺标准--焊锡面焊锡性标准(1) -----------------------------------1-48
DIP soldering workmanship --soldering standard on solder side (1)
DIP焊锡性工艺标准--焊锡面焊锡性标准(2) -----------------------------------1-49
DIP soldering workmanship --soldering standard on solder side (2)
DIP焊锡性工艺标准--焊锡面焊锡性标准(3) -----------------------------------1-50
DIP soldering workmanship --soldering standard on solder side (3)
DIP soldering workmanship --Figure of PTH solder fillet evaluation
DIP焊锡性工艺标准--焊锡性问题(锡桥、短路、锡裂) --------------------------1-52
DIP soldering workmanship --soldering issue ( Bridge , short , crack )
DIP焊锡性工艺标准--焊锡性问题(空焊、锡珠、锡渣、锡尖) --------------------1-53
DIP soldering workmanship --soldering issue ( missing solder , solder ball , solder dross , solder peak )
Gold finger workmanship
