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建筑安装工程EPC总承包合同书范本(doc 36页)

443 KB
建筑安装工程EPC总承包合同书范本(doc 36页)内容简介
1. Definitions 定义 4
2. Contract Documents 合同文件 5
3. Appointment of Contractor 对Contractor的指定 6
4. Contractor’s Obligations 承包商的义务 6
5. Contract Price 合同价格 8
6. Variations 变更 8
7. Warranties and Undertakings by Contractor的质保责任 9
8. Warranty Period 质保期 9
9. Proprietary Rights and Intellectual Property Indemnification所有权与知识产权保护 10
10. Limit of Liability责任限额 10
11. Access to Site 进入现场 11
12. Instructions, Directions and Progress Reports 指示、指令及进度报告 11
13. Standards 标准 12
14. Transfer of Property and Risk 所有权与风险的转让 12
15. Insurances 保险 12
16. Force Majeure 不可抗力 13
17. Time for Completion 竣工时间 14
18. Extension of Time 延期 15
19. Inspection and Tests of Facility Systems 设备系统的检查与测试 17
20. Date of Substantial Completion and Certificate of Acceptance 17
21. Confidentiality 保密 18
22. Contractor’s Personnel 承包商员工 18
23. Employment of Illegal Immigrants 非法移民的雇佣 18
24. Suspension of Works 工程的中断 19
25. Termination of the Contract without Default 19
26. Termination by Default 违约引起的终止 21
27. Notices 通知 22
Annex 1 29
附录1 29
(Scope of Work) 29
(工作范围) 29
Annex 2 29
附录2 29
(Completion Key Milestone Dates) 29
(竣工关键节点日期表) 29
附录3 29
(Payment Schedule) 29
Annex 4 30
附录4 30
工业品买卖合同样本 30
Purchase Contract for Industrial Products template 30
附录5 35
(Price Summary/Breakdown and Options) 35
(价格总表和细项以及备选项) 35
附录6 35
(Correspondences and other relevant Documents) 35
(函件与其它相关文件) 35
Annex 7 35
附录7 35
(Drawings) 35
(图纸) 35
图纸另装订成册 35
Annex 8 36
附录8 36
(Equipment Brand List) 36
(设备品牌清单) 36
Annex 9 36
附件 9 36
(Man-hour & Unit Rates) 36
