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中华人民共和国电力法详述(英文版)(doc 48页)

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中华人民共和国电力法详述(英文版)(doc 48页)内容简介
The electric power industry shall fit the needs  of  national  economy and social development and develop in  advance  appropriately.  The  State encourages and guides legal investment in the development of power sources
and the establishment of power  production  enterprises  by  domestic  and overseas economic organizations or individuals.
Investment in the power industry shall implement the principle of "whoever invests, benefits."
Electric power facilities shall be under the protection of the State.
It is forbidden for any unit or individual to endanger the  safety  of electric power facilities or  to  illegally  occupy  or  utilize electric energy.
The construction, production, supply and utilization of electric power shall protect the environment according to law,  adopt  new  technologies,minimize discharge of poisonous waste, and  prevent  pollution  and  other public hazards.
The State encourages and  supports  electricity  generation  by  using renewable and clean energy resources.
