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Customer Relationship Management(英文版)(ppt 67页)

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Customer Relationship Management(英文版)(ppt 67页)内容简介

Customer Relationship Management(英文版)内容提要:
Sharon Crost enthusiastically leads a role in the worlds of Enterprise and Entrepreneur.  In the Enterprise world, Sharon has worked for the large companies of IBM and Hewlett-Packard in Finance, Marketing and Information Technology.  Her passion for the hi-tech world and flair for working with international clients has led her to positions from managing business finances to managing business system projects, to consulting on enterprise systems, to managing international marketing programs to managing international technology and e-business teams.  As an entrepreneur, Sharon has started up two diverse small businesses in the U.S. - a customized travel service and an organic vegetable farm.  Sharon's appreciation of the mountains has brought her to Grenoble, France where she currently works as an independent consultant.
Presentation of Course (style)
Interactive discussion
Cases to apply learning
Practical vs. Theoretical
Instructor – ideas, facilitation, resources
