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oracle信息化管理(英文版)(doc 17页)

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oracle信息化管理(英文版)(doc 17页)内容简介
  Oracle has recognized the HONGKONG TELECOM requirement  to meet Y2000 compliance within  its Logistics Information System. Oracle therefore proposes an approach to provide that compliance and minimize operational change for day to day business operations.  In Option 1 for implementation of a new Logistics system, legacy satellite systems will remain unchanged and to a minimum extent interfaced to the new Logistics System. This approach builds a foundation for further improvements using Oracle’s products and services and is a relatively safe way to meet short term goals and also satisfy long term strategic objectives with a cost effective program.
Oracle also recognizes the complexity in building interfaces with a number of legacy systems, and recommends HONGKONG TELECOM work with Oracle in creating these interfaces in a rapid  time frame.
  Option 1 Phase 1 Logistics of the Business Support System will be positioned as the core element of Hongkong Telecom’s  integrated information system which will allow Logistics operational analysis and forecasting at both the management and operational level.  The core of the Option 1 Phase 1 solution is the Oracle Distribution applications modules. These application software modules are “off the shelf” applications which support the business activities of Order Management, Purchasing, Supply Chain Planning and Distribution.  These applications have been built using standard Oracle Developer/2000 on Oracle RDBMS.
  Surrounding this core package will be a minimum set of custom extensions to support agreed upon functionality gaps not supported by the proposed applications. Initially these gaps will be carefully reviewed for Option 1 Phase 1 impact with a desire to minimize risk and realize a faster implementation. Custom extensions will be developed using Oracle Developer/2000 for consistency in the user interface.
