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关于会计的英文词汇(doc 20页)

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关于会计的英文词汇(doc 20页)内容简介
T字形帐    T-account
安家费    household allowance
按件计酬    piecework wage
按劳计酬    piecework wage
按值    ad valorem [in proportion to the value]
半变动成本    semivariable cost
半固定成本    semifixed cost
半年度    semi-annual
半年决算    half-yearly closing
半薪    half-pay
半制品    semi-processed goods
办公费    office expense
包工工资    wages for piecework (计件工资)
保管寄存品    safe-deposit inventory
保管人    custodian
保险帐户    underwriting account
保证人    guarantor
报表    statement
报销    to report one's expenses
备查簿    memorandum book
所属分类:总目录 >> 经济•贸易 >> 财经
备查帐    memorandum account
备抵坏帐    reserve for bad debts
被剔除    be disallowed
本金    principal
本年纯益    net profit for the current year
本年度    current fiscal year
本期损益    profit & loss for this period
本月合计    total for this month
逼债    to dun; to demand payment of a debt
比较表    comparative statement
边际成本    marginal cost
边际贡献    marginal contribution
编报表    to prepare a statement
编制预算    budget making; preparing a budget
变产损失    loss on realization of assets
变动成本    variable cost
标价    bid price
标准成本    standard cost
拨定材料    appropriated material
拨款    appropriation; appropriation money
