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信用风险管理概述(英文版)(ppt 35页)

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信用风险管理概述(英文版)(ppt 35页)内容简介

Credit Background:
Thorough identification and accurate measurement of credit risk, supported by strong risk management can help improve the bottom line
An uncertain and volatile economic environment significantly impacts this ability
The desire to grow and turn in outstanding results has a tendency to put pressure on the checks and balances within businesses

Credit risk management is important
Credit is a facilitator of business growth and performance
High business margins tend to attract lower quality clients and therefore higher risk profile to manage
Clients (buyers) may be concentrated in selected industries and provide limited portfolio diversification opportunity
Poor credit risk management resulting in negative impact to bottom-line is heavily penalized by markets

A New Paradigm:
A new business paradigm had evolved: causing a lack of reliance on good fundamental analysis
The idea that stock market values would continue to go up indefinitely
Increasingly competitive, complex and volatile market place
Higher than expected actual debt burdens
Extensive reliance on unrealistic future cash flows
Failures in corporate governance
Questionable personal and corporate ethics
