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项目融资概论(英文版)(doc 79页)

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项目融资概论(英文版)(doc 79页)内容简介



     Local electric utility company are required to purchase all the electric output of qualified independent power producers under long-term contracts.

The purchase price for the electricity must equal the electric utility’s “avoided cost”(marginal cost) of generating electricity.

      Innovations for Project financing:from natural resource projects to nufacturing facility and Infrastructure projects Manufacturing: the case of Bev-Pak Inc.Infrastructure: public-private partnership to finance Generating Stations, transportation facility, and others. 

       Project will be placed into service

Technical Feasibility: independent expert’s opinion Operations -->economic viable undertaking Economic Viabilitymarket demand, products’ pricecost escalation,delay, production level, operation cost...Availability of raw materials and capable mgt.

enough quantitieslong-term supply contract (longer than the term of debt) Ideal Candidates Capable of functioning as independent economic units Can be completed without undue uncertainty Worth more than the cost to completeFactors Considered

Credit requirement---expected profitability & credit supportTax implicationsImpacts on the sponsors’ existing debt obligationsLegal or regulatory requirementsAccounting treatment of liability and contractual agreement.



