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财务管理最佳实践之应收管理(英文版)(ppt 18页)

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财务管理最佳实践之应收管理(英文版)(ppt 18页)内容简介
Best Practice Features
    Send bill to one address only. Where a customer is provided with goods or services at a number of locations, the consolidation in the billing process not only reduces the number of bills to be verified or created but also decreases the potential need to reconcile a number of receivables on individual accounts.
    Centralise the customer set-up process in order to ensure consistency.
Internal control requirements
In order to minimise the risk of duplication of the data and the unauthorised set-up of customers, the process should be centrally controlled and operated.
    Before any customer is deleted from the system, evidence should be produced that the customer has been inactive for the appropriate period of time and no outstanding balances are present. Approval for deletion is obtained by management authority signature.
T   he changes to customers report is regularly checked and monitored.
System notification of duplicate business and birth registration numbers.
