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CategoryManagementCaseStudy(ppt 44)

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CategoryManagementCaseStudy(ppt 44)内容简介

Category Management Case Study
Based on ECR Taiwan
Category Management Pilot Project
Case Study Agenda

Objectives of the Case Study

Category Management Model

Work through the Cat Man Process, (Scorecard & Tactics)

Write a Category Plan
Objectives of the Case Study
Understand the Category Management Model.
Understand the linkage between the Steps in the Model by working through Cat Man Process.
Understand Practical Application of Category Management by Agreeing a Category Plan.
This Case Study

Is the International Process.

Is based on real SKU’s and market, but Data detail is changed for confidentiality.
International Category Management Model
Handout Material - Pages 3 & 4

Category Definition

Category Role

(These are generally agreed by Supplier & Retailer management in advance.)
Category Definition & Structure
Case Study Focus - Fabrics Concentrate
