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3C (China Customer Care) is a structured CRM method which helps companies to implement and profit from CRM without increasing marketing and sales budgets. Jointly developed by Customer Marketing Institute (Netherlands-based) and GreaterChinaCRM (Shanghai-based), 3C is based on the backbones of Customer Marketing funded by the European Community in 1997, tailor for China market. It uses process control techniques to measure, manage and improve customer performance and customer focus in order to retain and to maximize customer lifetime value. It has been proven in practice at hundreds of companies including business units of Xerox, DHL, Kimberly-Clark, ING Bank, Philips, Merck, Apple Computer, IBM and Volkswagen, with publications in 10 countries including China.
3C (China Customer Care)是能帮助企业实施CRM并从中赢利,但同时又无需增加营销和销售预算的一套系统性CRM方法。 她由荷兰的客户营销机构(CMI)与中国的GreaterChinaCRM共同合作开发,以1997年由欧共体基金开发的 “客户营销方法” 为蓝本,结合中国市场特点,为中国企业量身定做。她运用流程控制技术来评估、管理以及提升客户表现与客户关注,从而保留客户并将客户生命价值最大化。“客户营销方法”已在数百家企业有效实施,这些企业有:Xerox, DHL, Kimberly-Clark, ING Bank, Philips, Merck, Apple Computer, IBM 以及 Volkswagen,同时其相关书籍已在10个国家发行出版,其中也包括中国。
Our mission is to help you:
• Increase the profitability of your current customers.
• 增加企业现有客户的收益率.
• Focus only on high potential prospects and suspects
• 仅仅专注于最有价值的客户和潜在客户
• Defend yourself against attack by traditional and e-commerce competitors.
• 打击来自传统和“e”经济的竞争,巩固自身实力.
• Boost your ROI on your marketing, sales and e-commerce activities.
• 提升企业在营销、销售以及电子商务活动的投资回报.
• Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
• 增强客户满意度和忠诚度.