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英语系测试:为中学英语量身定做(doc 61页)

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英语系测试:为中学英语量身定做(doc 61页)内容简介
1. A. It’s near the post office.      B. I work in the bank.       C. It looks like a hospital.
2. A. Thank you very much.       B. That’s all right.          C. Give me some apples.
3. A. He’s very tall.              B. He’s a student.          C. He’s from America.
4. A. You’re welcome.            B. Nice to meet you, too.    C. Thank you.
5. A. Because it is boring.       
B. Because thieves will be afraid of me.
C. Because I like playing sports.
6. What language does Frank speak?
  A. English.    B. Japanese.    C. French.
7. Where does the man want to go?
  A.      B.     C.
8. Where may they be?
  A. In the zoo.    B. In the garden.    C. At school.
9. What’s Mary doing?
  A. Writing a letter.     B. Cleaning her room.    C. Reading English.
10. How is the weather in Beijing?
  A.      B.       C.
11. What does Jane’s father do?
   A. He is a doctor.    B. He is a reporter.    C. He is a waiter.
12. What does Jane want to be?
   A. She wants to be a clerk.    B. She wants to be a nurse.    C. She wants to be a reporter.
